
Multi Dimensional Healing


Multi Dimensional Healing

Through the modalities of Reiki, Lomi Lomi, and Guided Meditation you will be availed to an experience of Transformation and Alignment with a complete shift in Mind Body and Spirit. Through the Loving and Intuitive connection I have with my clients, there is an intimacy and sense of ease that will empower you to let go to a level you have never experienced before! I will take YOU on a JOURNEY of Self, leaving YOU feeling Relaxed, Refreshed, Rejuvenated, more Connected and Aware: not only of Your body, but the Energy and Light of YOUR being.




The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words:

Rei: "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power"

Ki: "life force energy".

So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

Reiki is a channeled energy designed to raise a person’s energetic vibration, reconnecting them with that of their Perfect Divine Self. Through increasing a person’s vibration, they are empowered to release any attachments that may be preventing their joy or even their health.


Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi Lomi Massage

Loving Touch Massage. This Polynesian style massage works with the energetic meridians of the body and is designed to calm the Central Nervous System. Once the Nervous system is at ease, the physical body begins to relax and open up. The quicker, loving manipulations of Lomi Lomi increases a person’s blood flow in order to flush through the muscles as well as the internal organs without the need for deeper more painful manipulations. Because this Loving touch is just that, “LOVING”, the entire session is designed to be rejuvenating and restorative without a need for recovery after.

Guided Meditation

The Divine Breath


Guided Meditation

The Divine Breath


The Divine Breath is a meditation that has taken me over 5 years to fully develop. This meditation utilizes the natural breath and guidance to offer focus to the mind, while reconnecting a client to both that of their Divine Light, and Love of their own creation. By offering this meditation during each of my sessions, a client is offered a new understanding of their own body. This new connection and understanding allows a client to go within and face deeply rooted beliefs taught/learned throughout their that may be causing dis-ease of the mind, body, or spirit. Empowered to face these “truths”, while being introduced to a new healthier understanding of Self, a client has the opportunity to truly heal not only their body, but also their lives.

Wellness and Life-Coaching

Wellness and Life-Coaching

Great Day Wellness is about choice. In every moment of every day, events and energy happen. It is the attachment to these things, with labels created by the ego, that make them good or bad.

It is the Mission of Great Day Wellness to extend the Light of Divine Truth and Understanding to Individuals around the world. Through this Light, it is the intent of Great Day Wellness to assist others in the expansion of their beliefs and assist them in their process of Conscious Awakening.

From the understanding that all people, things,  and energy are created from the Divine Truth of Love, and are nothing more or less than an extension of Divine Light: Great Day Wellness believes through Consciously Awakening to the Understanding of Self, there is a shift in Consciousness that eliminates the need to heal anything, for everything is already created perfect. It is the ego of the mind, that limits ones understanding of their own Completeness, Wholeness and Perfection; and, attaches to the idea of being broken (or needing healing). EGO is that which keeps one separate from experiencing Divine Truth.