About Brock


About Brock

I have been studying the connection between the physical and energetic body for over 17 years. I began teaching a method of self healing through an understanding of the Charkras. In ‘10, my study brought me to the home of my teacher Mata Amritanandamayi. While there, my teachings of the Chakras received Amma’s blessing. I returned to the states to leave one life behind and fully embrace a life of teaching and healing. I went on to receive a Master level Reiki attunement in ‘10 through the “International Center for Reiki Training”. I was then guided to Hawaii to study the massage technique Lomi Lomi (Loving Touch) in ‘13. I pride myself on my ability to empower clients, not as their “healer” but as a presence of light and their teacher. It is in my deepest belief that true healing only happens when a person is empowered to embrace a new understanding of their beliefs that supports their own True Divine Nature!