
Great Day Or Not - self empowerment/awareness healing

Great Day Wellness is about choice. In every moment of every day, events and energy happen. It is the attachment to these things, with labels created by the ego, that make them good or bad.

It is the Mission of Great Day Wellness to extend the Light of Divine Truth and Understanding to Individuals around the world. Through this Light, it is the intent of Great Day Wellness to assist others in the expansion of their beliefs and assist them in their process of Conscious Awakening.

From the understanding that all people, things,  and energy are created from the Divine Truth of Love, and are nothing more or less than an extension of Divine Light: Great Day Wellness believes through Consciously Awakening to the Understanding of Self, there is a shift in Consciousness that eliminates the need to heal anything, for everything is already created perfect. It is the ego of the mind, that limits ones understanding of their own Completeness, Wholeness and Perfection; and, attaches to the idea of being broken (or needing healing). EGO is that which keeps one separate from experiencing Divine Truth.

We are each Created from a 4 Body System:

Energy (Spirit) Body: When in Complete and perfect alignment with that of your highest self, one will be in a constant state of bliss, calm, serenity and surrender. They will be completely translucent to any and all things that are happening around them: therefore unaffected by ones surroundings. They will be completely Vertical in their connection to the Earth and Source energies and will have no need to attach horizontally to anyone or anything.

Emotional Body: This is the Immediate indicator of our alignment. Nothing more, or nothing less than a simple indicator. Any emotion, other than bliss, calm, serenity, peace and Surrender is an indicator of a misalignment of self. Whether it is an emotion of Happy, Excitement, Fear, Anger, Sadness, ect… It is the indication that one has attached to something other than that of their highest self. It is an indicator designed to give one a reason to pause, breathe and reconnect to that of their highest self.

Mental Body: This is the home of the Ego. It is the part of our being that labels and attaches not to truth, but the the perception of truth that it understands. Once a misalignment of self takes place and we choose to ignore that of our initial indicator of our emotions, the Mental body, then grabs hold of not the cause of the misalignment but with the concept that: “SOMETHING IS WRONG OR BROKEN”. The MIND is the land of attachments. Once the Mind has attached to an idea or perception of truth, it becomes that much harder to attain alignment of self.

Physical Body: This is the manifestation of our being. Physically we are the result of our alignment. When there is a misalignment of self, that is not acknowledged, it will eventually manifest itself in that of our physical being. This can be seen in many ways: Illness or Injury, Pain, Fatigue, or even weight gain. When one has ignored the emotional body or suppressed that of their emotions long enough, giving the mind the ability to take over our understanding of self, it is only a matter of time before the physical body begins to show the signs/indicators/symptoms. So many times (especially in Westernized Society) Focus is put on the physical Symptom, rather than cause, which is nothing more and nothing less than that of our Energetic/Spiritual Body.

We can treat a physical indicator or symptom as long as we want; but, as long as we choose to ignore that of the problem (a misalignment of energy) and resist a shift in the perception within that of our mind, of that of our own being, we will continue to fight the battle known as life. However, once we Pause, Breathe, and reconnect our alignment Vertically, letting go of horizontal attachments, We will once again return to that Brilliant state of Peace, Bliss, Calm, Serenity and Surrender: Therefore becoming “The Creator of Your Own Reality!”

Have a Great Day(or not) YOU CHOOSE!!!
